In true Dannii style, I've decided to pack my bags and head to the nearest Spanish party island. I also think this is the right time to close Dannii's Box (again). I'm suffering from major fan fatigue - mainly due to the sad, deluded droids who constitute Dannii's ever shrinking fanbase. I will always worship Holidannii but the humourless creatures that surround her are making Dannii fandom an unnecessary hardship. I'm sure I'll regain my enthusiasm when Dannii releases her next collection of unreleased crap and re-open the blog (yet again) but in the meantime I'm moving on to Kylie. She might not have been blessed with Dannii's stunning good looks or searing vocal talent but at least she still has the occasional hit and hasn't retired to the living hell of reality TV. Adios!
Take care Mike !!!
I'm going to miss your posts... :-(
Why not just keep posting whenever you have the "urge to purge"?
Danniiworld needs this site to stay on a life support machine. There will be a gaping hole without it, etc.
Im going to miss this site... its much better than Danniis Official forum.
well just visit danniimusic.blogspot.com
Dannii's Dirty Box will always be the best!
In true Dannii style, I've decided to pack my bags and head to the nearest Spanish party island. I also think this is the right time to close Dannii's Box (again). I'm suffering from major fan fatigue - mainly due to the sad, deluded droids who constitute Dannii's ever shrinking fanbase. I will always worship Holidannii but the humourless creatures that surround her are making Dannii fandom an unnecessary hardship. I'm sure I'll regain my enthusiasm when Dannii releases her next collection of unreleased crap and re-open the blog (yet again) but in the meantime I'm moving on to Kylie. She might not have been blessed with Dannii's stunning good looks or searing vocal talent but at least she still has the occasional hit and hasn't retired to the living hell of reality TV. Adios!
Posted by Mike at 04:43 5 comments
Just in response to mikes comment about kylie not being blessed with Danniis looks do some research about dannii she had major plastic surgery, kylies been blessed with looks danniis face always looked like a football and she was fat thanks cosmetic surgery check out Love and Kisses and then check out @I should be so lucky and compare Kylie wins hands down you ignorant twat
Um, I think he was being ironic...
Waiting for your gorgeous comeback xx
Pleassssssssssse come bacK!
Comment on Dannii's X Factor bisexual faux-pas cringeathon.
Time to dust off Dan's dusty old box and re-open thanks to the re-issues! Go on...we know you want to!
Great article as for me. It would be great to read more about that topic.
By the way check the design I've made myself Russian escort
Are you going to re-open this blog now that This Is It: The Best of Dannii Minogue has been released?
Dannii's Dirty Box will always be the best!
and what about Mardi Gras 2015??
I'm just here to leave my mark on another dead blog. ~!~
i miss when dannii actually had somewhat of a fandom 😭 i feel like I'm the only one keeping up with her at times. this ancient blog is all I have!
oh please come back this site in hilar!
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