Dannii's profile in the UK continues to grow with yet another stunning front page pictorial. There's no story as such, just a bunch of sexy pics from the Neon Nights era. Dannii is not only the queen of clubs but also the new people's princess in the UK!
$ucce$$! I know for a factthat THe Star and Sun have been waiting years to use these saucy snaps of dishy Dannii and her 32DD Delights!
And while on the subject of Dannii's baps why was that not chosen as the cover for DWLTF? Fingering a pack of Walkers just doesn't have the same effect...
I know. Nothing says class like torn fish nets! Dannii = sex on legs!
More $ucce$$ for Dannii! A scathing article in the News Of The World described old hag Sharon OSbopurne as a back-stabbing control freak who is bitterly jealous of Dannii's stunning (natural) beauty!
Poor, brave Dannii! I'll post the article here ASAP!
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