Wednesday 23 January 2008

Dannii Lands In South Africa

Here's a snap of our holy priestess arriving in South Africa on the 17th of January. I'm glad Holidannii is staying true to form by squeezing in yet another trip. It's not like she has a new single to promote or anything. Oh wait.


Anonymous said...

Go Dannii! Though you'd think she would own a set of matching luggage...

Mike said...

Given the performance of her recent singles, I wouldn't be surprised if Dannii is in the poor house!

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah to that

Diva Incarnate said...

I wonder if 5 seconds later Dannii halted her trolley-pusher and burst into an impromtu Hakuna Matata: "they love moi over here for this one!"

Always giving something back to the fans.