1. Kylie calling her new album "X" to cash in on Dannii's "X Factor" fame.

Kylie needs to stop stealing Dannii's thunder with her new low brow image. Dannii is the sordid Minogue and that's the way we like it. Kylie should stick with her usual inoffensive (ie. boring) persona and leave the fabulousness for Dannii!
Kylie, that jelous oldie...
Lucky we, Dannii has sense of humour and vodka, so she can survive to all this copy+paste from her sister.
I feel sorry for Kylie. She must feel so distressed now that Dannii is the people's princess and the most popular celebrity in the universe. But it's still no excuse for stealing Dannii's amazing promo techniques!
Mike, you have to stop this, I can't stop laughing...!
Hilarious article. lol.
But I believe that one thing that has made Kylie more successful than Dannii is BUDGET and a good RECORD LABLE - If Dannii had the support of a decent record lable, she'd be way more famous, popular and $ucce$$ful.
I'm glad you guys get the joke! Some Kylie fans haven't...
mike, have you received some threatening emails? are some kylie fans trying to kill you? you can always get away to ibiza or any spanish place. here dannii is bigger. bigger than life!
Excuse me?
This was a joke?
I thought it was for real!!
Lucky me i'm a Dannii's fan, otherwise I'll be mad at you for saying that things about boring Kylie.
Bubu and Pablo, unfortunately I have offended some Kylie fans. Apparently, Kylie would never stoop so low as to imitate her trashy, unsuccessful sister who hasn't had a hit since 1991. I only hope poor, brave Kylie can forgive my sins against her!
This article is pure brilliance. You rock !
This article is pure brilliance. You rock !
lol - some people have NO sense of humor!!!
I'm glad you all appreciate my painstakingly researched and hard hitting post. Kylie has been exposed!
haha mike i fucking love it.
Speaking of Dannii, I thought I'd share with you a dream I had this morning.
My friend and I finally got to see Dannii live *snorts* and we weren't front row so we snuck up there. She was singing away and then she looked right at me and reached out and touched my hand, told me to get up on stage with her. Then after that song she came back out throwing things in the audience, and then saw me and threw one to me - it was a bottle called Exotic Massage and Lubrication lotion. Then my friend and I went to the merch desk and bought Team Dannii shirts which we plan to wear to the next Kylie concert then went back to the stage to listen to Dannii sing Kylie's Lose Control. To my amazement, everyone said OMG soooo much better than Kylie's version and 2 fucking Hearts. We then went back stage where she offered us a line of crack but all we had was a $20 note she said "fuck off I omnly use $100" then as she was snorting I woke up =| Strange huh ;D
If I had that dream I would have woken up covered in cum!
I think I did.
Your blog is my home page ^^
thats so sexy!my email is jess_1236@hotmail.com
ill show u my tits
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